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This tool was developed while I was at Neon Machine Inc. using Python and PyQt to streamline the export of clothing assets for characters into Unreal Engine. At the time, we were building a character customization system with over 100 categorized clothing items. The script exports assets based on their object names and places them into the correct folders, following the user's dynamic mapping setup. It automatically matches the mesh sub-string column with the object names and organizes them into the appropriate mapped folders. I designed this tool to be as robust as possible, with the intent of making future skeletal mesh exports more efficient. I also plan to extend its capabilities to include static mesh and animation exports, along with Pv4 registration, for added functionality.



I developed this tool to deepen my understanding of Python, PyQt, and linear algebra principles. The tool follows a modular approach, building systems based on a pre-existing skeleton. It can create FK/IK switch systems, bend bows, and generate various control shapes based on selected positions. This project remains a work in progress, as I plan to add more features, such as node mirroring. Throughout my journey of learning Python, I've discovered more advanced techniques for building an auto-rigger, which I aim to incorporate in future updates—or possibly use to create an entirely new auto-rigger.


The FK-IK Create feature automatically generates an FK-IK switch system, saving users time by eliminating the need to manually build the system from scratch.


The Curve Create System automatically generates NURBS curves and allows users to either use a constraint system or snap curves to the selected target's positions. It also includes a color-change feature based on the selection, along with a component mode button for added convenience.


The Bendbow Create System automatically generates cubic NURBS surfaces with joints attached via matrices. The system creates bend bows between selected joints for precise control.

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